Saturday, June 6, 2015

Edible "Sand" Play for Toddlers

I've been waiting to introduce Little Guy to sand and now that it's warm out, I couldn't wait any longer.  He still has a tendency to "taste" things though and, being an over protective mommy, I could just picture him eating a spoonful.  I still had some baby rice cereal in the house and the texture is very similar to sand, so I thought we would try that out!
He loved using spoons to scoop the "sand" into measuring cups and different size containers.
This activity kept him occupied for quiet a while and he seemed to really like the texture of the "sand".  Mommy liked that it is helping him to develop fine motor and self-help (scooping/pouring) skills.  While it was so easy to set up, it was definitely NOT mess free!  We're going to try this again, but only when I feel like sweeping up a huge mess!

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